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Logitech Performance MX Configuration

 ·  🎃 kr0m

Linux users tend to be cautious when buying new hardware. The usual pattern is to consult forums and websites to find out if the hardware we are interested in is 100% supported by our OS. However, there are occasions when certain functionalities are only partially supported. In this article, I will explain how to configure the extra buttons of a Logitech Performance MX mouse using xbindkeys and xautomation.

Let’s configure our Logitech mouse by installing the necessary software:

emerge -av x11-misc/xbindkeys x11-misc/xautomation

Generate the initial configuration file:

xbindkeys –defaults > $HOME/.xbindkeysrc

Detect which button code the button to be configured has, for this we launch xev:

xev|grep button

Configure the association of button 10 and 13 to the desired actions, close window (Shift + Mod4 + c) and maximize (Mod4 + m) window in awesome:

vi .xbindkeysrc

"xte 'keydown Shift_R' 'keydown Super_R' 'key c' 'keyup Shift_R' 'keyup Super_R'"
"xte 'keydown Super_R' 'key m' 'keyup Super_R'"

Add xbindkeys to the startup of our graphical session:

vi /home/kr0m/.xinitrc

xbindkeys &

With this, the buttons that were useless now have an assigned functionality, just as the indicated actions have been assigned, any action could be executed ;)

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