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 ·  🎃 kr0m

Gngeo is a NeoGeo emulator, with which we can play iconic games such as MetalSlug among others. We only need to download the NeoGeo BIOS and the images of the games we want to play. It also allows us to make quick saves and configure joysticks, so we can enjoy a much more pleasant gaming experience.

We download the emulator source code, compile the code, and install the generated binaries:

tar xvzf gngeo-0.8.tar.gz
cd gngeo-0.8/
make install

We create in our user’s home dir the directory where we will save our roms and the neogeo BIOS image:

mkdir -p ~/.gngeo/ngeo_roms
ls ~/.gngeo/ngeo_roms

If we want to use a joystick , we must first find out the code of the buttons:

emerge games-util/joystick
jstest /dev/input/js0

We configure the buttons to map:

cd ..
vi gngeorc

# GNGEO Sample resource file

# Path to dynamicly load opengl (only used for the opengl blitter)
libglpath /usr/lib/

# Where your rom are?
rompath /home/XXXX/.gngeo/ngeo_roms

# Where did you put yout bios file?
biospath /home/XXXX/.gngeo/ngeo_roms/bios

# Where gngeo can find its datafile (font/skin/etc.)
#datafile /usr/games/lib/gngeo/

# Play in fullscreen?
fullscreen true

# Which blitter? 'gngeo --blitter help' for a list
# soft
# opengl
# yuv
blitter soft

# Which effect? 'gngeo --effect help' for a list
# none 
# scanline
# scanline50
# scale2x
# scale2x50
# scale2x75
# doublex
# sai
# supersai
# eagle
effect none

# Enable the raster interrupt?
raster false

# scale the output image
scale 2

# Have interpolation?
interpolation false

# Have sound?
sound true

# Shown FPS
showfps false

# autoframeskip control
autoframeskip true
sleepidle false

# Synchronise the display with VBLANK (you may desactiva autoframeskip if vsync is on)
vsync false

# enable joystick support ?
joystick true

# enable the 68k inline debuger? (disable the sound)
debug false

# Use hardware surface for the screen?
hwsurface false

# Use PAL timing? (buggy)
pal false

# Sample rate
samplerate 22050

# country?
# japan, usa, europe
country europe

# system type? arcade or home or unibios (unibios.rom needed)
system arcade

p1control A=J0B14,B=J0B13,C=J0B15,D=J0B12,START=J0B3,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0B4,DOWN=J0B6,LEFT=J0B7,RIGHT=J0B5
p2control A=J0B1,B=J0B2,C=J0B0,D=J0B3,START=J0B9,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0a5,DOWN=J0a5,LEFT=J0A4,RIGHT=J0A4

With this, we have everything ready, we just have to play until we go blind, XDD

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