In this article, we will learn how to use the Cloudflare API from a Python script, so we will be able to automate many administrative tasks. As an example, we will query the DNS records of the zones of several accounts. The library we will use is the official one:
We create an access token:
We click on the API Tokens tab:
Create token:
We can use a generic access template or we can create a custom access:
We create a custom one so that it can only read DNS information:
It shows us a summary and we click on Create token:
We can manually check the token using curl:
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
{"result":{"id":"1f2e9ecf45463f956e02f6a4f61068f0","status":"active"},"success":true,"errors":[],"messages":[{"code":10000,"message":"This API Token is valid and active","type":null}]}
Now we can proceed with our Python script, we install the library:
We write the script:
import CloudFlare
import json
credential_tokens = {
for account, token in credential_tokens.items():
print('>> Account: % s -- Token: %s' % (account, token))
cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(token=token, raw=True)
page_number_domains = 0
while True:
page_number_domains += 1
raw_results_domains = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':5,'page':page_number_domains})
except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
exit('/zones.get %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e))
except Exception as e:
exit('/zones.get - %s - api call failed' % (e))
#print(json.dumps(raw_results_domains, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
zones = raw_results_domains['result']
for zone in zones:
zone_id = zone['id']
zone_name = zone['name']
print('-------- ZONE: %s --------' % zone_name)
page_number_dns = 0
while True:
page_number_dns += 1
raw_results_dns = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id, params={'per_page':5,'page':page_number_dns})
except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
exit('/zones/dns_records.get %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e))
#print(json.dumps(raw_results_dns, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
dns_records = raw_results_dns['result']
for dns_record in dns_records:
dns_id = dns_record['id']
dns_name = dns_record['name']
dns_type = dns_record['type']
dns_value = dns_record['content']
print('NAME: %s, TYPE: %s, VALUE: %s' % (dns_name, dns_type, dns_value))
total_pages_dns = raw_results_dns['result_info']['total_pages']
#print('page_number_dns: %s total_pages_dns: %s' % (page_number_dns, total_pages_dns))
if page_number_dns == total_pages_dns:
total_pages_domains = raw_results_domains['result_info']['total_pages']
#print('page_number_domains: %s total_pages_domains: %s' % (page_number_domains, total_pages_domains))
if page_number_domains == total_pages_domains:
We assign the necessary permissions and execute it: