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Getting crackme password using ltrace

 ·  🎃 kr0m

We will solve a previous crackme but this time we will approach it in a completely different way. Instead of patching a conditional jump with radare, we will look for the correct password by monitoring the calls to the shared libraries.

The code is as simple as this:

vi 00.c

int main(void){
    char str1[20];
    printf("Crackme 0x00 Coded by Kr0m\n");
    printf("Introduzca password: ");
    scanf("%s", str1);
    if (strcmp(str1, "666-666") == 0){
            printf("Ohu yeyesss Password Correcto!\n");
    } else {
            printf("ERROR: Password incorrecto!\n");

We compile:

gcc 00.c -o 00

We compile and install the ltrace tool that will allow us to see the calls that the binary makes to the shared libraries:

emerge dev-util/ltrace

We run the binary using ltrace:

ltrace ./00

puts("Crackme 0x00 Coded by Kr0m"Crackme 0x00 Coded by Kr0m)                                   = 27
printf("Introduzca password: ")                                      = 21
__isoc99_scanf(0x55b473af78d9, 0x7ffeedf39420, 0x7f5dc37638a0, 0Introduzca password: asd)    = 1
strcmp("asd", "666-666")                                             = 43
puts("ERROR: Password incorrecto!"ERROR: Password incorrecto!)                                  = 28
+++ exited (status 0) +++

The input was asd and it compares it with 666-666, what will happen if we enter 666-666 as the password?


Crackme 0x00 Coded by Kr0m
Introduzca password: 666-666
Ohu yeyesss Password Correcto!
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