Every C programmer worth their salt will eventually have to debug their code either through prints or with a proper debugger. In this article, I will list the survival commands used in GDB.
The list is very brief and simple as it is a list of basic commands:
si: Step ASM
s: Step C entering functions
n: Step C without entering functions
print VAR_NAME: Displays the value of a variable
- We can indicate the format: p/d will print the value in decimal, by default it does it in hexadecimal, we can see the supported formats in this link .
list: Displays the C source code
b N_LINE/FUNCTION_NAME: Sets a breakpoint
b *0x7c00: Debug memory position, in this case the BootLoader
info breakpoints: Lists the breakpoints
info functions: Lists of functions
watch VAR_NAME: Triggers a breakpoint when the value of the variable changes
info watchpoints: Lists the watchpoints
del N_BREAK: Deletes the indicated breakpoint
x/Nx MEM_ADDRESS: Displays the memory contents of the address, the s format is very useful when dealing with strings
print &VAR_NAME: Memory address of a variable
print $REGISTER: Displays the value of a register
print /x N: Displays the value of N in hexadecimal
info variables: Displays static or global variables
info locals: Displays the value of all existing variables in the stack of the current function
info frame: Displays information about the stack
info registers REGISTER: Displays the value of all registers or those we indicate as a parameter
bt: Displays the functions where the program flow has passed until reaching the current point
disassemble FUNCTION_NAME: View the source code of a function in ASM
Something very useful is to define custom commands, for example, if we set a breakpoint in a loop where a variable is modified, we can define the following command to monitor the variable in each iteration of the loop:
define next_and_print
print VAR_NAME
From here, we will have at our disposal a command called โnext_and_printโ that will execute the next code step and print the value of VAR_NAME.
I personally recommend installing a plugin like peda/gef since it will make data visualization easier: GDB-gef