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Backup MySQL vol. 1

 ·  🎃 kr0m

Every system administrator who uses MySQL will be forced to dump the database to move it to another server with more resources or to make a backup of it. In this article, I will explain the simplest but also the most downtime-intensive dumping method.

This method is ideal for servers that can afford downtime at some point in the day, so you can schedule the backup using CRON at a reasonable time, and no one will notice what happened.

Below are the steps to backup and restore the database.

  • Backup of all databases:

    mysqldump -A -uroot -p’XXXX’ > DB.sql
    mysql -uroot -p’XXXX’ < DB.sql

  • Backup of only one database:

    mysqldump DB -uroot -p’XXXX’ > DB.sql
    mysql -uroot -p’XXXX’ < DB.sql

  • Backup of only one table (it can be restored to another database if necessary):

    mysqldump -u root -p’XXXX’ DB TABLE > TABLE.sql
    mysql -u root -p’XXXX’ DB < TABLE.sql

  • Backup of only the structure:

    mysqldump –no-data DB -uroot -p’XXXX’ > STRUCT.sql
    mysql -u root -p’XXXX’ DB < STRUCT.sql

NOTE: If you only want to restore a table, you have to do a workaround by grepping the insertion statements that involve that table.

mysql DB -uroot -p’XXXX’ < DB_REDUCED.sql

  • If we are short of space on the MySQL server, we can send the dump directly over the network:

    mysqldump DB -u root -p’XXXX’ | gzip -c | ssh root@IP ‘cat > ~/DB.sql.gz’

  • Or even insert directly:

    mysqldump DB -uroot -p’XXXX’ | ssh root@IP ‘cat | mysql DB -uroot -p’XXXX’'

  • If we want to schedule the job at midnight:

    crontab -e

    00 00 * * * mysqldump -A -uroot -p'XXXX' > DB.sql
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