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PMM2 Redis

 ·  🎃 kr0m

As we know, Prometheus allows monitoring a wide range of services. This monitoring is carried out through certain exporters that collect the metrics consumed by Prometheus. In this article, I will explain how to set up two Redis servers in master/slave mode and how to monitor them using PMM2.

We compile and install Redis:

emerge -av dev-db/redis

We enable the service at startup:

rc-update add redis default
/etc/init.d/redis start

In the master, we bind the service to all IPs and assign an access password:

vi /etc/redis.conf

requirepass PASSWORD

We apply the configuration by restarting the service:

/etc/init.d/redis restart

In the slave, we perform the same configuration as in the master, but we also indicate who its master is and with what password to connect to it:

vi /etc/redis.conf

requirepass PASSWORD
slaveof MASTER_IP 6379
masterauth PASSWORD

We apply the configuration by restarting the service:

/etc/init.d/redis restart

We check that the slave is synchronized with the master:

redis-cli -a PASSWORD info

# Replication  

In the list of exporters on the Prometheus website, we can find the Redis exporter .

We compile and install the dependencies to compile the exporter:

emerge -av dev-lang/go dev-vcs/git

We download the exporter and compile it:

mkdir go
export GOPATH=/root/go
export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)
go get
cd /root/go/bin/

We manually start the exporter to check that there are no issues:


We create a startup script:

vi /etc/local.d/redis_exporter.start

nohup /root/go/bin/redis_exporter --redis.password=PASSWORD --web.listen-address= &

We assign the necessary permissions and start the service:

chmod 700 /etc/local.d/redis_exporter.start

We check that it has been bound to the correct IP address:

netstat -nputa|grep LISTEN|grep 9121

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      5526/redis_exporter 

We check that we can obtain the metrics locally:

curl|grep -v ‘#’

To protect access to the exporter with a password, we will use Nginx authentication:

emerge -av www-servers/nginx

We configure Nginx to request a password if the request does not come from the PMM server:

vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

server {
  listen SERVER_IP:9121;
  server_name _;

  location / {
      satisfy any;
      allow  PMM_SERVER_IP/32;
      auth_basic "Restricted Content";
      auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
      deny all;

We generate the password file:

emerge -av app-admin/apache-tools
htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd admin

We restart Nginx:

/etc/init.d/nginx restart

We check that it does not request a password from the PMM server:

curl http://SERVER_IP:9121/metrics|grep -v ‘#’

From any other location, it should request a password:

curl --user admin:PASSWORD http://SERVER_IP:9121/metrics|grep -v ‘#’

Telegrambot and the PMM API need the node_name tag to correctly identify the server and display alarms with the correct information:

vi prometheusConf/prometheus.base.yml

- job_name: redis_exporter
  - targets:
    - SERVER1:9121
    - SERVER2:9121
  - source_labels: [__address__]
    target_label: node_name

NOTE: We can find the source_label by going to Status -> Targets and hovering over the labels.

Reload the PMM configuration:

docker stop pmm-server && docker start pmm-server

The Prometheus alerts would be these, remember that in PMM2 the alerts are configured from Grafana ( :

- name: redisRules
  - alert: RedisDown
    expr: redis_up == 0
    for: 5m
      severity: critical
  - alert: RedisMem
    expr: redis_memory_used_bytes > (60 * node_memory_MemTotal) / 100
    for: 5m
      severity: critical
  - alert: RedisRejectingConnections
    expr: delta(redis_rejected_connections_total[1m]) > 5
    for: 5m
      severity: critical
  - alert: BrokenRedisSlave
    expr: redis_master_last_io_seconds == -1
    for: 5m
      severity: critical
  - alert: BrokenRedisSlave
    expr: redis_master_last_io_seconds_ago == -1
    for: 5m
      severity: critical

Reload the PMM configuration:

docker stop pmm-server && docker start pmm-server

If we stop a master, for example, the RedisDown alarms for the master and BrokenRedisSlave for the slave will be triggered:

If we have followed the guide on Alertmanager , we will see alerts like this in Telegram:

We import the redis template in Grafana to see the metrics charts:

We paste the json of the template :

We click on Load.

We assign a name to the dashboard:

We click on Import.

The final result is this: